Learning Videos

"Peacebuilding through Restorative Justice Dialogue"

by Mark Umbreit

YouTube Video (2tF30xmA4Vk)

"A Humanistic Approach to Mediation and Dialogue"

by Mark Umbreit 

Vimeo Video (111253366)

"Introduction to Restorative Justice"

by Mark Umbreit 

Vimeo Video (110398662)

"Restorative Dialogue for Severe Violent Crimes (Three Cases)"

by Mark Umbreit

Vimeo Video (111252683)

"Restorative Justice Research Overview"

by Mark Umbreit

Vimeo Video (111249836)

"Restorative Justice Case Narrative"

by Ted Lewis

Vimeo Video (110397683)

"Restoring Inner Peace by Restoring Justice"

Interview with Ted Lewis, Oct. 22, 2015, Duluth TV

YouTube Video (rr93sW8OigU)

"The Power of Apology"

Interview with Ted Lewis, Jan. 19, 2017, Duluth TV

YouTube Video (nydiHBM0UVI)


Interview with Ted Lewis, Feb. 22, 2018, Duluth TV

YouTube Video (TVWdkFaWS58)