Research Annotated Bibliography by Author

This collection consists of summary annotations on all available restorative justice dialogue research the Center has been able to locate to date.  The forms of restorative justice dialogue represented in the collection include Victim Offender Mediation (also known as Victim Offender Reconciliation, Victim Offender Dialogue, and Victim-Sensitive Offender Dialogue), Group Conferencing (including family group conferencing and community group conferencing),  Circles, and Other (reparation boards and other dialogue services). The annotations can be scrolled by author or by title. 

Annotated publications that are available on line are followed by a hotlink to the publication url. In many instances a single research project has resulted in more than one publication.  Where these are known, the publications resulting from a single project are listed together in chronological order beginning with the earliest release date, and the annotations that follow apply to the project as a whole. The Center is continually seeking to update its collection and annotation database.  

Please contact the Center if you are aware of published research on restorative justice dialogue that is not represented in our collection.

To see bibliography alphabetically by title Click Here


Abrams, L and M. S. Umbreit (2002). Youthful Offenders Response to Victim Offender Conferencing in Washington County, MN    Summary PDF   Download Document

Bilz, K. (2002) Restorative Justice and victim offender mediation: A new area for social psychological inquiry?  Summary 

Borton, I.  (2005) Victim Offender Communication in Felony Cases: An Archival Analysis of Ohio’s Office of Victim Services Dialogue Program   Summary

Bradbury, B. (2002). Deschutes County Delinquent Youth Demonstration Project. Secretary of State Audit Report # 2002-29  Summary

Bradshaw, W. and M. S. Umbreit (1998). Crime Victims Meet Juvenile Offenders: Contributing Factors to Victim Satisfaction with Mediated Dialogue  Summary  

Carr, C. (1998) VORS Program Evaluation Report.  Summary

Clarke, S., E. Valente and R. Mace (1992). Mediation of Interpersonal Disputes: An Evaluation of North Carolina's Programs  Summary

Coates, R.B., Burns, H. & Umbreit, M. (2002) Victim Participation in Victim Offender Conferencing: Washington County, Minnesota Community Justice Program   Summary   Download Document 

Collins, J. P. (1984) Final Evaluation Report on the Grande Prairie Community Reconciliation Project For Young Offenders  Summary

Davis, R., M. Tichane and D. Grayson (1980). Mediation and Arbitration as Alternative to Prosecution in Felony Arrest Cases, An Evaluation of the Brooklyn Dispute Resolution Center.  Summary

Dignan, (1990) Repairing the Damage: An Evaluation of an Experimental Adult Reparation Scheme in Kettering, Northamptonshire.  Summary

Dissel, A. (2000) Restoring the Harmony: A Report on a Victim Offender Conferencing Pilot Project  Summary

Evje, A. and R. Cushman, (2000). A Summary of the Evaluations of Six California Victim Offender Rehabilitation Programs  Summary

Flaten, C. (1996) Victim Offender Mediation: Application with Serious Offences Committed by Juveniles  Summary

Galaway, B. (1995) Victim-Offender Mediation by New Zealand Probation Officers: The Possibilities and the Reality  Summary

Gehm, J. (1990) Mediated Victim-Offender Restitution Agreements: An Exploratory Analysis of Factors Related to Victim Participation  Summary

Gromet, Dena M. and Darley, John M (2006). Restoration and Retribution: How Including Retributive Components Affects the Acceptability of Restorative Justice Procedures  Summary

Hughes, S. and A. Schneider, (1990) Victim-Offender Mediation in the Juvenile Justice System Summary

Katz, J. (2000). Victim Offender Mediation in Missouri’s juvenile courts: accountability, restitution, and transformation  Summary

Marshall, T. (1990) Results of Research from British Experiments in Restorative Justice Summary

Miers, D., M. Maguire, S. Goldie, K. Sharpe, C. Hale, A. Netten, S. Uglow, K. Doolin, A. Hallam, J. Enterkin and T. Newburn (2001). An Exploratory Evaluation of Restorative Justice Schemes. Executive Summary.  Summary

Nelson, S. (2000) Evaluation of the Restorative Justice Program Eugene, OR: Lane County Department of Youth Services.  Summary

Niemeyer, M. and D. Shichor (1996). A Preliminary Study of a Large Victim/Offender Reconciliation Program  Summary

Nugent, W. M. and J. Paddock (1995) The Effect of Victim-Offender Mediation on Severity of Reoffense.  Summary

Nugent, W., M. Umbreit, L. Wiinamaki and J. Paddock (1999) Participation in Victim-Offender Mediation and Severity of Subsequent Delinquent Behavior: Successful Replications?" Summary

Nugent, W., R. M. Williams and M. S. Umbreit (2003) Participation in Victim-Offender Mediation and the Prevalence and Severity of Subsequent Delinquent Behavior: A Meta-Analysis Summary

Perry, L., T. Lajeunesse and A. Woods (1987). Mediation Services: An Evaluation. Winnipeg, Manitoba, CAN  Summary 

Roberts, L. (1998). Victim Offender Mediation: An Evaluation of the Pima County Juvenile Court Center's Victim Offender Mediation Program (VOMP)  Summary

Roberts, T. (1995) Evaluation of the Victim Offender Mediation Project, Langley, BC: Final Report  Summary

Rodriguez, Nancy (2007). Restorative Justice at Work: Examining the Impact of Restorative Justice Resolutions on Juvenile Recidivism   Summary

Roy, S. (1993) Two Types of Juvenile Restitution Programs in Two Midwestern Counties: A Comparative Study  Summary

Schneider, A. (1986) Restitution and Recidivism Rates of Juvenile Offenders: Results from Four Experimental Studies  Summary

Shapland, Joanna and Dignan, James and Chapman, Becca and Atkinson, Helen and Sorbs, Angela and Johnstone, Jennifer and Howes, Marie and Atkinson, Anne and Robinson, Gwen and Colledge, Emily (2006). Restorative Justice in practice-findings from the second phase of the evaluation of three schemes.   Summary

Stinchcomb, Jeanne B and Bazemore, Gordon and Riestenberg, Nancy (2006). Beyond Zero Tolerance: Restoring Justice in Secondary Schools  Summary

Stone, S., W. Helms and P. Edgeworth (1998) Cobb County Juvenile Court Mediation Program Evaluation Carrolton, GA: State University of West Georgia.  Summary   Download Document

Stone, K. (2000) An Evaluation of Recidivism Rates for Resolutions Northwest's Victim-Offender Mediation Program.  Summary

Strode, E. (1997) Victims of Property Crime Meeting Their Juvenile Offenders: Victim Participants' Evaluation of the Dakota County (MN) Community Corrections Victim Offender Meeting Program.  Summary

Trankle, S. (2007) In the shadow of penal law Victim–offender mediation in Germany and France.  Summary

Umbreit, M. S. (1988) Mediation of Victim Offender Conflict  Summary

Umbreit, M. S. (1989a) Crime Victims Seeking Fairness, Not Revenge: Toward Restorative Justice  Summary

Umbreit, M. S. (1989b) Violent Offenders and Their Victims  Summary

Umbreit, M. S. (1991) Minnesota Mediation Center Produces Positive Results.  Summary

Umbreit, M. S. and W. Bradshaw (1999) Factors that Contribute to Victim Satisfaction with Mediated Offender Dialogue in Winnipeg: An Emerging Area of Social Work Practice Summary

Umbreit, M. S., W. Bradshaw, and R. B. Coates (1999) Victims of Severe Violence Meet the Offender: Restorative Justice Through Dialogue  Summary 

Umbreit, M. S. and K. A. Brown (1999) Victims of Severe Violence Meet the Offender in Ohio Summary

Umbreit, M. S., R. B. Coates, and A. Roberts (1998) Impact of Victim-Offender Mediation in Canada, England and the United States  Summary

Umbreit, M. S., B. Vos, R. B. Coates and K. Brown (2002) Executive Summary: Victim Offender Dialogue In Crimes Of Severe Violence: A Multi Site Study Of Programs In Texas And Ohio Summary

Ventura, Holly Elizabeth (2006). Restorative Justice and Youth Courts: An Examination of Implementation Intensity, Recidivism, and Accountability   Summary

Warner, S. (1992) Making Amends: Justice for Victims and Offenders  Summary

White, L. (2001) Hope in Process: A qualitative Study of victim offender mediation dialogue in Texas  Summary

Winnamaki, L. (1997) Victim-Offender Reconciliation Programs: Juvenile property offender recidivism and severity of reoffense in three Tennessee counties  Summary

Wynne, J. (1996) Leeds Mediation and Reparation Service: Ten Years Experience of Victim-Offender Mediation  Summary

Wynne, J. and I. Brown. (1998) Can Mediation Cut Reoffending?  Summary

Wyrick, P. and M. Costanzo (1999) Predictors of Client Participation in Victim-Offender Mediation  Summary


Bradshaw,W. and Roseborough, D. (2005) An Empirical Review of Family Group conferencing in Juvenile Offenses. Daly, K. (2001). Conferencing in Australia and New Zealand: Variations, Research Findings, and Prospects   Summary

Fercello, C. and M.S. Umbreit (1998). Client Evaluation of Family Group Conferencing in 12 Sites in 1st Judicial District of Minnesota  Summary PDF   Download Document

Griffiths, M. (1999) The Implementation of Group Conferencing in Juvenile Justice in Victoria Summary  

Hayes, H. (2004) Assessing Re-offending in Restorative Justice Conferences.  Summary

Hayes, H. and K. Daly (2003). Youth Justice Conferencing and Re-offending.  Summary

Hayes, H. and K. Daly (2004) Conferencing and Re-offending in Queensland  Summary

Hines, D. (2000) The Woodbury Police Department Restorative Justice Program Recidivism Study.  Woodbury, MN:  Summary

Hoyle, C., R. Young and R. Hill (2002). Proceed with Caution: An evaluation of the Thames Valley Police initiative in restorative cautioning    Summary  

Ierley, A. and C. Ivkor (2003)  Restoring school communities: A report on the Colorado Restorative Justice in Schools Program   Summary  

Luke, G. and B. Lind (2002). Reducing Juvenile Crime: Conferencing versus Court.  New South Wales. Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research  Summary

Maxwell, G. and A. Morris (1993) Family, Victims and Culture: Youth Justice in New Zealand. Summary

Maxwell, G. and A. Morris (2001) Family Group Conferencing and Reoffending  Summary  

McCold, P. and B. Wachtel (1998) Restorative Policing Experiment: The Bethlehem Pennsylvania Police Family Group Conferencing Project   Summary    

McGarrell, E., K Olivares, K. Crawford and N. Kroorand (2000).  Returning Justice to the Community : The Indianapolis Juvenile Restorative Justice Experiment   Summary

McGarrell, E.,  N. Kroovand Hipple (June 2007). Family Group Conferencing and Re-Offending Among First-Time Juvenile Offenders: The Indianapolis Experiment    Summary

Moore, D. B. and L. Forsyth (1995) A New Approach to Juvenile Justice: An Evaluation of Family Group Conferencing in Wagga Wagga.  Summary

Pietsch, E. B.  (1999).  State Centered and Community Centered social control in police sponsored family group conferencing.  Summary

Sherman, L., J. Braithwaite, H. Strang, G. Barnes and N. Inkpen (1998). Community Justice Conferences Technical Report 1 to the National Institute of Justice   Summary   

Sherman, L., H. Strang and D. Woods (2000).  Recidivism Patterns in the Canberra Reintegrative Shaming Experiments (RISE)   Summary    

Sherman, L., H. Strang, and G. Barnes.  (1997)  Rise Working Papers: A Series of Reports on Research in Progress on the Reintegrative Shaming Experiments (RISE) for Restorative Community Policing,  Summary

Umbreit, M. and C. Fercello, (1998) Family Group Conferencing Program Results in Client Satisfaction Summary   PDF

Walker, L. (2002). Conferencing: A New Approach for Juvenile Justice in Honolulu  Summary   


Couture, J., T. Parker, R. Couture, and P. Laboucane (2001). A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Hollow Water's Community Holistic Circle Healing Process  Summary

Lajeunesse, T. & Associates Ltd. (1996) Evaluation of Community Holistic Circle Healing. Hollow Water First Nation. Volume 1: Final Report.  Summary          

Matthews, S. and G. Larkin (1999) Guide to Community-based Alternative for Low Risk Juvenile Offenders.  Summary


Bonta, J., S. Wallace-Capretta, and J. Rooney (1998). Restorative Justice: An Evaluation of the Restorative Resolutions Project.  Summary

Grauwiler P., N. Pezold,  and L.G. Mills (2006) Justice is in the Design: Creating a Restorative Justice Treatment Model for Domestic Violence  Summary