Restorative Justice Research Summaries
Three Meta-Analyses Show Positive Outcomes for Restorative Justice Conference Programming
These major studies from the Canada, US, and UK compiled statistical research from more than 90 empirical research studies in 7 countries and found positive impact of restorative justice dialogue in juvenile and criminal cases through VOC/VOM (Victim Offender Conferencing/Victim Offender Mediation) and FGC/RCC (Family Group Conferencing or Restorative Community Conferencing). Overall, the studies concluded that these restorative programs led to:
- higher satisfaction rates for victims and offenders
- higher rates of restitution completion
- lower rates of offender recidivism
To access full PDFs of these studies, click on the links below.
1. Canadian - Latimer, Dowden, Muise Meta-Analysis (2001)
- 35 studies (27 VOM, 8 FGC)
- 26 youth, 9 adult
- Positive impact on v/o satisfaction, restitution completion, and reduced recidivism
2. US - Nugent, Williams, Umbreit Meta-Analysis (2003)
- Total sample of 9,307 juvenile offenders
- Sample came from 19 program sites (15 prior studies)
- 26% reduction in recidivism
3. UK - Sherman, Strang Meta-Analysis (2007)
Restorative Justice: The Evidence states that there is “Far more evidence on RJ, with positive results, than for most innovations in criminal justice.”
- Included randomized controlled studies by S/S
- Reduced recidivism for both violent and property offenders
- RJ reduced costs when used as a diversion
- Suggests that RJ may be more effective with adults
Other Significant Studies
Minnesota Dept. of Corrections (2012)
Participants in MNCOSA had significantly lower recidivism:
- 62% lower re-arrest rates
- 72% lower technical violation rates
- 84% lower return to prison rates
- Cost benefit per MNCOSA participant is $11,716
- MNCOSA produced savings of $363,211
Baltimore, Maryland, Community Conferencing Center
Community-based Non-Profit Servicing Diversion Juvenile Cases
(from courts, schools, but mostly from police)
- Population: 637,418 (Black: 63%, White: 32%, Hisp: 3%, Asian:2%
- Youth in community conferences(CC): 604 (Minority: 558)
- Agreements reached in CC: 98%
- Agreements completed in CC: 97%
- Recidivism data: (CC participants 60% less likely to re-offend)