How to Start a Restorative Program in Correctional Settings (1 hour)
Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 12:00PM - 1:00PM Central Standard Time
An introductory workshop on creating restorative programs in correctional settings. Participants will explore the steps required for effective design and implementation of a restorative program with people who are residing in a correctional setting.
Trainer: Laura Thro
Cost: $10
Registration closes September 22, 2024
Mindfulness, Deep Listening, and Stories: The Spiritual Core of Restorative Justice (6 hours)
Thursday & Friday, October 10 & 11, 2024, 9:00AM - 12:00PM Central Standard Time
This experiential workshop focuses on restorative justice dialogue through a mindfulness-based approach. The workshop is about the art of being fully present with those we are with, through deep listening and frequent silence, so that their strength, resilience, and wisdom can emerge. It is a more advanced training for those who are already helping people untangle conflict, or facilitating some form of restorative dialogue.
Trainer: Mark Umbreit
Cost: $150 (standard) / $75 (student/low income)
Registration is limited to 24 and closes October 7, 2024
Strengthening Restorative Programs in Correctional Settings (2.5 hours)
Friday, November 8, 2024, 12:00PM - 2:30PM Central Standard Time
Learn from and collaborate with fellow restorative practitioners working in correctional settings. This workshop offers a collaborative environment for individuals aiming to establish or enhance restorative programs within correctional settings, enabling them to learn from each other's experiences and insights.
Trainer: Laura Thro
Cost: $60 (standard) / $30 (student/low income)
Registration is limited to 20 and closes November 5, 2024
Restorative Parenting (3 hours)
Monday, December 2, 2024, 9:00AM - 12:00PM Central Standard Time
Learn how to bring restorative values and practices to parenting. This interactive workshop is for parents, grandparents, caregivers, or people working with kids and young adults.
Trainer: Laura Thro
Cost: $100 (standard) / $50 (student/low income)
Registration is limited to 20 and closes November 29, 2024
How to Give an Apology: A Learning Lab (2.5 hours)
Friday, January 31, 2025, 9:00AM - 11:30AM Central Standard Time
Apologizing is one element of being accountable for the harm we do. In this learning lab participants will learn and then practice the elements of a genuine apology through small group exercises and reflection. Practicing small apologies helps you build reliability and trust in your everyday relationships, instead of freezing, making excuses, or simply hoping a problem goes away. Participants will focus on apologies to people we care about, at the level of smaller hurts, misunderstandings, and breaches of trust.
Trainers: Emily Gaarder & E Ornelas
Cost: $60 (standard) / $30 (student/low income)
Registration is limited to 25 and closes January 28, 2025
Restorative Parenting (3 hours)
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 9:00AM - 12:00PM Central Standard Time
Learn how to bring restorative values and practices to parenting. This interactive workshop is for parents, grandparents, caregivers, or people working with kids and young adults.
Trainer: Laura Thro
Cost: $100 (standard) / $50 (student/low income)
Registration is limited to 20 and closes February 10, 2025
Evaluation Tools for Restorative Dialogue Programs (3 hours)
Monday, March 24, 2025, 9:00AM - 12:00PM Central Standard Time
Learn basic frameworks for gathering case-related data for RJ dialogue programs, and how to develop surveys for evaluating participant satisfaction. Understand how to evaluate participation rates and reparation agreement completion rates. This workshop will also cover the challenges of gathering and presenting meaningful recidivism data and how to evaluate facilitators and their experiences.
Trainer: Jake Otis
Cost: $100 (standard) / $50 (student/low income)
Registration is limited to 25 and closes March 21, 2025
Other trainings available upon request: if your group or organization would like training on one of the topics below, please reach out to us.
- Introduction to Restorative Conferencing: Facilitated Dialogue for Harms and Crimes
- Deepening Your Restorative Dialogue Facilitation Practice
- Restorative Lens: An Introductory Workshop on Peacebuilding Dialogue
- Hate Crimes and Restorative Justice: Broadening the Menu of Services
- Restorative Conference Facilitation Training
- Advanced Restorative Conference Facilitation Training
- Restorative Justice and Sexual Misconduct at Colleges/Universities
- Colorizing Restorative Justice: An Ongoing Discussion
- Strengths and Limits of Circles and Conferences
- Decolonization and Restorative Justice